Even After Death - Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115


Warren picked up a beer bottle and smashed it on the drunkard’s head. The pub descended into chaos.

Olivia, the one who caused the fight to happen, looked on calmly.

If she didn’t do that, how would she give herself a legitimate reason

to “fall in love” with Warren?

The “knight in shining armor” trick would never go out of style.

After he had beaten the drunkard up, Warren saw that the commotion

was getting out of hand. So, he grabbed Olivia and ran.

People like him were most afraid of exposing themselves and

crossing paths with the cops.

The two of them ran along the alleyways in the dark of the night.

Olivia broke free of his grasp and panted heavily. “I can’t run anymore.

Warren sighed in relief when he saw that they had gotten away.

“You shouldn’t come to places like this alone next time. Being too

pretty isn’t a good thing. You’ll attract all sorts of attention.”

Olivia raised her head. She looked even more charming under the illumination of streetlights.

“What about you?”


Olivia took a step toward him, which caused him to move back

reflexively. With his back against the wall,

Olivia caressed his face and said with a smile, “I was just curious to know if I managed to attract you.”

They were very close. Warren could smell the fragrance of flowers mixed with the smell of herbs on Olivia.

It was a very special scent. Something he had never smelled on anyone else.

Warren was unsettled. He couldn’t fend off Olivia’s advances when

she was acting like this.

But with his occupation, he didn’t dare to get into a relationship.

Before he could reply, Olivia moved away. “I’m sorry, I was in a daze. I

shouldn’t have said that.”

“Where do you live? I’ll escort you home.”

Olivia told him a location. Both of them felt a little awkward.

Olivia drove to the pub, and since they drank alcohol, they could only

hire a designated driver.

They sat at the back of the car. Olivia fell asleep shortly after she got

in the car.

Warren snuck a look at her sleeping face. She looked harmless and

delicate, like a little bunny.

How could she be so defenseless before a man who once tried to kill


Chapter 1115 Chapter

They reached the villa. Warren paid the driver and asked him to leave while he stayed by Olivia’s side in the car.

He was probably afraid that she would catch a cold. So, he took off his coat and draped it around her.

The snow was falling heavily, but he felt calm.

After some time, Olivia opened her eyes. She said hoarsely. “Where

are we?”


Looking at her innocent demeanor, Warren couldn’t help but ask, ‘ How could you just fall asleep like that? Aren’t you afraid I might do

something to you?”

Olivia batted her eyelashes. “Would you?”

Warren shook his head. “I wouldn’t.”

“That settles it. Of course, I trust you. You’re Warren, after all.” Olivia

smiled. It was stunning.

Immense guilt bubbled within Warren.

“You’re too naïve. Both my identity and my appearance are fake. Why

do you have to be so trusting?” Warren thought.

Looking at his spaced-out expression, Olivia knew that Warren had already fallen for her.

He nervously said, “You’re already home. I won’t disturb your rest

anymore. Send me a text later. The car I called is almost here.”

“Be careful. The roads are slippery.”

Chapter 1115


Warren walked into the snow. He didn’t dare to stay around, nor did

he dare to bid her farewell.

He got in the car and saw that Olivia was still waving at him by the

road. Even when his car was about to turn a corner, he could still see

her standing in the snow.

“You’re too naïve. Olivia. A man like me is not worthy of your concern.

Let’s stop meeting each other from now,” Warren thought.

